Monday, May 29, 2006

Day before the wedding

Now this account is from my point of view and so you would have to read Susan's blog to see what she did. She did do most all the work with her mom and aunt and family so I was lucky... i just got to mostly be lazy..

The day before started with Dustin my best man, pictured with me above, arrived. I then kissed Susan goodbye and we left to Lubbock to pick up my Tux... we got to the tuxedo shop to find 2 long lines going out the door... we waiting in the first to get my tux which Dustin so kindly payed for... and the had to go to the back of the next to wait to try on the tux... after "Forever" I finally got it tried on only to find that the sleeves were too long and the pants were too big. So I waited in the 3rd line to give my tux to the tailor to get alterations done... After hearing that this process could take up to an hour me and Dustin left to walk around the mall... I had to call Susan to tell her that I would be later than inteded in getting back to lubbock because I was supposed to go get my hair cut for the wedding that afternoon... not gonna happen ... anyway Dustin took me to dillards and bought us some really great neckties for the wedding... how cool is that. Anyway we got my tux then went back to Levelland to meet up with Susan and her family to go out to eat the night before... after eating the great buffet at this local restaraunt we went to the "gazeebo" to do a quickie rehearsal and stuff and that was really fun here are some pictures from that.

We then ran around town franticly trying to find stuff to make punch for the wedding... apparently there were alot of weddings here that weekend. I then had to kiss Susan goodbye and that was really sad but really exciting because I knew that the next time I saw here would be at the ceremony. Dustin and I then went back to the house and watched tv and played video games till pretty late...

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